Start a Profitable Clothing Business: A Comprehensive Guide to Importing High-Quality Products from China

Fashion remains one of the most lucrative industries worldwide, and starting a clothing business is easier than ever before. However, navigating through the complexities of international trade and finding the most cost-effective and premium-quality clothing products can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how you can start a clothing business by importing high-quality products from China. Read on!

Clothing Business: Importing High-Quality Products from China
August 29, 2023

Fashion remains one of the most lucrative industries worldwide, and starting a clothing business is easier than ever before. However, navigating through the complexities of international trade and finding the most cost-effective and premium-quality clothing products can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how you can start a clothing business by importing high-quality products from China. Read on! 

China has long been the world's leading manufacturer and exporter of clothing, offering an ever-growing pool of suppliers offering competitive prices and excellent quality. This unbeatable combination makes China an excellent choice for entrepreneurs looking to launch a clothing business. However, understanding the process of importing products and dealing with suppliers may appear daunting, particularly for those new to international trade.

That's where we come in! As sourcing agents, our team will streamline the entire process, connecting you with reliable and trusted manufacturers in China. Our expertise ensures that all products adhere to international standards while meeting your expectations in terms of quality and design.

And to help you get started on your sourcing journey, we’ve put together 7 essential steps to help you get your clothing business off the ground:

1. Understanding the Market Landscape and Trends

To kickstart your clothing business, you should conduct thorough market research. This will enable you to identify current trends, market demands, and potential niches for your brand. Understanding the target audience and their purchasing behaviours will also allow you to tailor your products and marketing strategies accordingly. Stay updated on fashion trends by closely following industry leaders and influencers on social media, attending trade shows, and subscribing to fashion magazines.

2. Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan

After identifying your target market and understanding the competition, it's time to develop a detailed business plan. This document outlines your business's objectives, projected growth, target audience, marketing strategies, and financial projections. A well-prepared business plan not only helps in aligning your vision but also effectively communicates your goals to potential investors and partners.

3. Find Trustworthy Manufacturers

A successful clothing business starts with quality products. This is why one of the most crucial steps of your journey is to identify reliable manufacturers. Finding your perfect match is what can really make or break your clothing business. Do it right and you’ll set yourself up for long-term success. Don’t, and you could end up with a headache no small business wants to deal with.

Finding the right supplier can be a long and complex process. Here are some pointers to help you get started:

  • Online B2B marketplaces like can offer valuable resources for finding suppliers with proven track records. You can read more about this topic here
  • You should research potential suppliers thoroughly and verify their credentials.
  • Consider attending expos and trade shows. The China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) and Global Sources Fashion Show (for example) provide excellent platforms to connect with manufacturers in person. But there are tons of expos worth exploring! And you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your desk to attend. You can visit China’s main expos virtually with Epic’s ExpoGo service
  • Always get samples. 
  • Conduct factory visits to assess the production capabilities, quality standards, and work ethic of potential suppliers. Epic can help with virtual factory visits on your behalf. 
  • Don’t rush the process. Finding the right supplier can take time, but it is worth doing it right.

We’ve written several articles on this topic, so have a read through past articles for more tips. You can read about the 9-step process we follow at Epic to find reliable suppliers for our clients here.

4. Leverage the Expertise of Sourcing Agents

As a new entrepreneur in the clothing business, the support of industry experts can make the process of importing high-quality products from China significantly easier. 

Sourcing agents not only assist in identifying reliable suppliers but also negotiate favourable deals. Their understanding of the local market and language allows them to bridge the communication gap between your brand and manufacturers. By leveraging their experience and expertise, you can make better-informed decisions and reduce potential risks associated with importing.

5. Implement Quality Control Measures

To ensure your brand thrives, it's vital to maintain high-quality standards in the products you import. Collaborate closely with your selected manufacturers and establish robust quality control guidelines.

Ensure that these guidelines align with the New Zealand Consumer Law and specific industry standards. Conduct regular third-party inspections throughout the production process to guarantee the materials and final products meet your expectations.

6. Build a Strong Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is essential to promote your brand and attract customers. Developing a user-friendly e-commerce website that showcases your products, prices, and brand story effectively is crucial. You should also use social media channels like Instagram and Facebook to engage with your target audience, gain followers and promote your products. Well-crafted content marketing strategies, including posting regular blog articles and engaging with influencers, can further boost your brand's reach and credibility.

7. Maintain Supplier Relationships and Strategise Expansion

Developing and maintaining long-term relationships with your suppliers is key to sustaining a successful clothing business. Offer regular feedback on sample revisions and production runs, maintain open communication channels, and ensure timely payments. 

Strong partnerships with manufacturers not only guarantee consistent quality but also encourage them to prioritise your orders. As your clothing business grows, consider expanding your product range by adopting new trends and integrating customer feedback.


Starting a clothing business by importing high-quality products from China can be rewarding, lucrative and fun. Thorough market research, solid planning, and a reliable network of manufacturers will set the foundation for a successful brand. 

Get in touch with Epic to leverage the expertise of a team of sourcing pros to streamline the complex importing process.

We are a New Zealand-based procurement agency that helps businesses import goods from China and other Asian countries. Our goal is to address common issues commonly associated with sourcing such as uncertainty and inferior product quality. Reach out to learn more about our China sourcing services

We offer a FREE initial consultation. You can book a time here.

0800 88 EPIC

How to find reliable suppliers in China

  • What to look for when researching suppliers
  • Actionable advice from industry experts
  • Tips to help you save time and money
how to import products from china from verified suppliers
BONUS: Manufacturer prospecting spreadsheet